
[wptab name=’Physics’]
    [/wptab] [wptab name=’Biology’]
    • Algae and Fungi February 18, 2016
      The presentation compliments the content. The graphics are relevant and add to the information and overall appeal. By:Ashok Kumar Created By School Address Email Class M.Jancy T.V. Nagar High School Chennai, Tamil Nadu 7th Click here to download the PPT
    • Algae & Fungi February 18, 2016
      Algae are simple plants. As they prepare their own food, they are called autotrops. By:Vikrant Mishra Created By School Address Email Class M.Jancy T.V. Nagar High School Chennai 7th
    • Adaptation in Animals February 18, 2016
      Structural and functional features of living forms developed over a period of time which enables them to survive and reproduce in the particular habitat. By:Ashok Kumar Created By School Address Email Class Sanjay and Vijay Bapu Composite College Karnataka Click here to download the PPT
    [/wptab] [wptab name=’Chemistry’]
      [/wptab] [wptab name=’English’]
        [/wptab] [wptab name=’Geography’]
          [/wptab] [wptab name=’Math’]
            [/wptab] [end_wptabset]


            [wptab name=’Computer’]
              [/wptab] [wptab name=’Environment’]
                [/wptab] [wptab name=’Famous People’]
                  [/wptab] [wptab name=’Major Inventions’]
                    [/wptab] [end_wptabset]